Alonso Florez, owner and founder of The Fine Woodworker, carries with him over five decades of experience in the art and craft of woodworking. From 1962 to 1992, he began working in Medellin, Colombia where he developed a foundation in the principles of woodworking technique. During this time, one of Alonso's most important clients was “Centro Internacional del Mueble,” a firm dedicated to manufacturing Scandinavian, Colonial, French, and Contemporary furniture. He received his degree in Industrial Engineering throughout this period, while also serving as a consultant and instructor for several companies and government institutions.

In 1992, Alonso arrived to the United States and began working for a renowned establishment based out of Brooklyn, NY. Here he served as a project manager and plant manager, and also assisted with a diverse array of production-related responsibilities.

In 2003, Alonso founded The Fine Woodworker, a furniture and woodworking shop which caters to the high-end market of New York City, with a strong clientele base situated in Manhattan.